Monday, December 30, 2013

Authentic Self, Reiki, Kundalini, Pineal Gland, Higher Self & Tar Body

Lecture by Tuesday May Thomas 

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I am not a certified nutritionist, doctor or therapist. 
Please consult your healthcare professional before participating in any
 lifestyle changes you may feel are questionable to your health. 
I am not responsible for any action you resume, You are- Make it pleasurable.
© Tuesday May Thomas 2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Chapter Nine- 'Level One'; Part Four

Follow postings of unpublished works from my upcoming book entitled 

It is my turn to receive Reiki. I feel a stream of energy coming towards me as June’s palms extend to my shoulders. An absolute sedation washes over me through this influence of Reiki. My thoughts meander; “Who am I as a woman in this world? And how does my past affect my present?” I have to continue journaling of my early sexual experiences. I know it will help my path to healing the hurt and confused feelings I hold inside. It is time to heal those parts of my past. My experiences with Reiki healing in Greece and Australia have led me here. I am learning how to receive. I am learning how to give to myself. I revel in thoughts of travel. I am still unsure of what exactly my attunement will do to me, or for me, but I know it is time for me to take responsibility for my life and start a path of healing. Reiki feels like the most guided way to do so at this time. A deep calm passes through me and I feel my left eye tearing up as my session with June ends.

Sharon stands in front of us both as we organize the chairs back to their original stance around the table. We take our seats with Sharon for the closing part of this ceremony. “Place the soles of your feet onto the floor and uncross your legs. Close your eyes and relax.” Sharon leads us through a meditation that activates the release of what she terms as ‘tar body’. “You are going to energetically pull the plugs from the soles of your feet. Imagine you have bathtub plugs at the soles of your feet, and ‘energetically’, pull those out. Imagine a sticky egg white energy washing through your physical body, while cleansing your ‘energy’ body. Allow this sticky substance to collect all stress, fear, pain, trauma and hurt from your every cell, muscle, bone and tissue. Let it melt out of your body, and release it through the soles of your feet. Let it melt down through the foundation of this building, and into the mother earth. There, the earth will transmute this ‘tar’ into light and use it to heal herself. Your vehicle will then be cleared of all inappropriate energies. Now take your time and open your eyes when you are ready.” Sharon’s voice disappears and I am left in wonder, as I can literally feel ‘thick tar-like energy’ removing itself from my body. Our eyes begin to open. “That is one of the most powerful energy tools you can use, do not forget it, and use it often. All you have to do is say “I pull the plugs from the soles of my feet.” Sharon ends our ‘Pulling plugs’ meditation.

She hands us each a small stack of papers and says, “You see these papers?” Throw them out the window!” She laughs innocently- with her mouth wide open, and head tilted backwards. This is the most colorful she has been all night long. Though unsure what she is laughing at, we join in the laughter and it feels good to break the steady silence of the evening. “These papers are your ‘guidelines for practice’ with Reiki. There are hand positions that you may learn, for use on yourself and for use on others, or you can simply use your intuition. That is what I guide you to do- feel it out, and do not look at the notes. Upon being ‘attuned’, you receive a set of Reiki guides, like a team of angels that work with you- listen and follow the guidance of them. Listen and they will never steer you wrong. Your homework is to lay hands on your self every day. Learn to make it a daily practice. This will serve you better than any notes you can read.” With that, I tuck the notes she dispensed away in my backpack and do not look at them during my ride home on the subway.
music books blogs videos
I am not a certified nutritionist, doctor or therapist. 
Please consult your healthcare professional before participating in any
 lifestyle changes you may feel are questionable to your health. 
I am not responsible for any action you resume, You are- Make it pleasurable.
© Tuesday May Thomas 2013

Monday, December 2, 2013

Chapter Nine- Level One; Part 3

Follow postings of unpublished works from my upcoming book entitled 

Chapter Nine- Part 3
Level One

 Colors of red and bright orange fill my inner vision. I feel my second chakra spasm sporadically within my lower belly. I thought she said this was about the clearing of the first chakra? I have a basic knowledge of the chakras and am aware of the connection between what I am now feeling and what I have spent much of my time journaling lately, being, the ways I experienced my sexuality around the age of ten. I become filled with immense shame, grief, hate, fear and insecurity. I feel these qualities hiding deep within my body and see them rise up and radiate outward. My entire body fills with warmth and I know I must surrender to healing hurt my past. I gain a clear signal from within that it is time to confront the confusion I feel, and let go of the awful thought’s and feelings I have for so long harbored about my body and sexuality.

I recall experiencing such an extreme healing take place in Australia through Reiki, so much so that I thought all those bad feelings were gone. But perhaps it was to prepare me for the grittier layers of pain that reside even deeper within. My tummy flutters and tears fall down my face. I feel an internal mourning for a ‘past’ that never was. I mourn for what my life would have been like without the harmful trials I had endured. I mourn for the ignorant little girl that did not know how to say ‘NO’. I grieve for her, as I feel she can never know herself without knowing her past.

Some time passes after the attunement. I sit with eyes closed for what feels like ten minutes. My eyes begin to part as if coming out of a long meditation. Sharon hands me two tissues and a glass of water, instructing me to ‘drink’. As I drink the water, I look directly into Sharon’s eyes. Somehow I feel braver than before, like a different person than I was when I walked into this room.

It is June’s turn next. I slowly get up and switch seats with her. Settling into my chair, I realize Sharon has said very little this evening. When I saw her channel, she was so full of big words, accents, and fan-fare.. But tonight there is a softer tone about her, I guess she is just being Sharon, the woman who resides when she is not ‘channeling’. June gets comfortable just as rain begins to hit hard upon the window at the back wall, causing condensation to build up quickly in my view. She sits as I did, with her hands in a prayer position. This is cool, I’ll get to see a full view of what the ‘attunement’ process is.
In a quick swoop, Sharon raises her arms above June’s crown, draws something over her, and blows a long breath down into the top of her head. She then stands in front of June, bending forward. This blocks my view momentarily, but I do notice that she scribbles on June’s palms, in what seems like a similar fashion to how she scribbled on mine. She next stands behind June with her arms hovering, and then does some kind of weird squiggly movement behind June’s body, finally resting her hands upon her shoulders. Is that it? I think to myself. Two minutes of waving arms, scribbling on palms, circling steps and breaths through the crown? Is that what happened to me? Is this what is causing such a visceral upsurge of remembering within my body and mind, of all those things I had so very well pushed way deep down inside? After June has had some time to acclimate as I did, Sharon hands her water and instructs me to come over and lay hands on June. She tells me to report what I feel or see while sharing Reiki with her.

“Just let the energy flow through you. Do not try to do anything with it, other than watch it. Listen to its guidance and allow yourself to be innocent in its presence.” Her words instruct a perfect path for me to feel out my first ‘hands on’ Reiki experience. I am first guided to lay my hands upon June’s crown. After a minute or two of silence, a couple of sudden thuds arise from the floor above us- as if a neighbor from upstairs is trying to get our attention. ‘Bang-bang-bang’ the noise occurs again and I instinctively move my hands from her crown to her heart. I can feel my palms radiate great heat, as if someone has turned up the temperature. Soon my palms begin to tingle with pin-prick sensations and I feel to step away and end the ‘session’. Sharon guides us to switch places. 

To be continued..

music books blogs videos
I am not a certified nutritionist, doctor or therapist. 
Please consult your healthcare professional before participating in any
 lifestyle changes you may feel are questionable to your health. 
I am not responsible for any action you resume, You are- Make it pleasurable.
© Tuesday May Thomas 2013